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2018 Annual Meeting
January 27, 2018 @ 9:30 am - 8:00 pm
David is the Director at the Old-Growth Bottomland Forest Research and Education Center (OGBFREC) at Congaree National Park and will be speaking to us about the fundamentals of earth system science. Jonathan is an interpretive park ranger at Congaree National Park and will give us a brief history of birding in America. Bob recently retired from SCDNR where he served as the Director of the Office of Environmental Programs. He now works part time as a Senior Mitigation Strategist with a company called the Palustrine Group. Bob will be speaking to us on the management of South Atlantic Coastal Impoundments for waterfowl and other wildlife.
Once again, I would like to ask each of you to consider volunteering for one of the Regional Director positions. We currently have one open position, the Eastern Region, and we would like for someone to step forward and take the Central Region. Caroline Eastman has done a great job in the Central Region for several years, but she would like a break. Also, Greg Mancini has done an excellent job as Treasurer for many years. The Treasurer position requires that you live in Columbia, or close by, so that the post office box can be checked on a weekly basis. If you would like more information about the requirements/duties of these positions, please let Gordon Murphy or Kim Frampton McManus know.
We hope you all can join us for a potluck supper at the end of the day. You are encouraged to bring donuts or muffins for the morning socializing (coffee will be provided) and a dish to share with the group for supper. There is a refrigerator for food storage and a microwave oven for reheating food. If you would like to bring an adult beverage, please do so. A bag lunch is recommended for lunch so that you have an opportunity to explore some of the trails around the Lake House.
2018 Annual Meeting Agenda
9:30 – 10:30: Socializing and refreshments (coffee and donuts)
10:30 – 11:00: Welcome and Introductions
11:00 – 11:50: David Shelley – Thinking like an earth system scientist. This presentation will introduce the fundamentals of earth system science, with a focus on geologic mapping–including techniques, mapping units, bounding surfaces, cross sections, applications, and resources–and the regional geology of the South Carolina Midlands.
12:00 – 1:30: Lunch
1:30 – 2:20: Jonathan Manchester – A (Short) history of American Birding. This program will talk about the history of birding in the United States, from Mark Catesby to Roger Tory Peterson, and how all have help to create the field of birding that we know today.
2:30 – 4:20: Bob Perry – Bob’s presentation is entitled Management and Sustainment of South Atlantic Coastal Impoundments for Waterfowl and Other Wetland Wildlife. The presentation was authored by Bob, D.E Harrigal, R.M. Kaminski, M.R. Kneece, M.B. Prevost, D.A. Shipes, E.P. Wiggers, and R.K. Williams, and was first presented at the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 70th Annual Conference, which was held in Baton Rouge, LA, in October 2016.
4:20 – 5:00: Business Meeting
• Treasurer’s Report
• Election of Officers – Nominations for officers can be made from the floor provided the nominee has agreed prior to the nomination. The current nominations are:
o President – Gordon Murphy
o Vice President – Kim McManus
o Secretary – Mary Douglass
o Treasurer – Greg Mancini
o Historian – Gordon Murphy
o Database Manager – Tom Jones
o Northern Regional Director – Rita Zollinger
o Western Regional Director – Kathy Boyle
o Central Regional Director – Caroline Eastman
o Southern Regional Director – Paul Kalbach
o Eastern Regional Director – OPEN
• Old Business
• New Business
o 2018 Fieldtrip Schedule
5:00: Adjourn
5:30-??: Potluck supper – Everyone is encouraged to bring a covered dish, or if you prefer, there are grocery stores and restaurants near the Lake House where you can pick up some food after the business meeting. You are also encouraged to bring your favorite adult beverage to go along with supper.